
How to send an anonymous sms from a computer

How to send an anonymous sms from a computer

I’Sending sms has become a trivial gesture. We Send Messages All The Time Whether it is important or not. When’When you are SMS with a cell phone or smartphone, you go through the telephone network and your number is not used’Automatically Displays. Can you send a text message from a computer using only the internet and how to do it? ?

Send an anonymous sms from a computer with a mailbox


It is possible to’Send an anonymous sms with a computer. Online Messaging Services have a multitude of Little Known Features. Among them, you have the possibility to send a text message from a computer’Send an SMS via mailbox.

To do this, you need to create a new email Address, Without Revealing Your Identity, of race. Choose has s names’use that suits you but will allow you to remain anonymous. To send an anonymous sms via a mailbox, click on "new message"".

The procedure is as follows:

  • Ask about the Name of the Operator’The Content's Operator (To Know the Address)’Operator of’A Phone Number, You can Consult the list of prefixes on wikipedia)
  • Memorize His Phone Number
  • not’Enter Nothing in the subject field
  • In the container box, indicates the’Address which includes the phone number, arobase, the name of the’Operator and the’extension ".in "(ex: [email protected])

Please note, you must know that’It is possible to send an anonymous sms from a mailbox Only if the container do not have a password’has never changed its rio code (Image stément)’Identity Operator). To make a small reminder, this code allows you to change your phone number’Operator and to Keep His Initial Phone Number. Thus, if your container has changed his or her identity’Operator in the meantime, you will not be able to send sms anonymously.

The Later Will See Your Identity S’and he will be able to reply to your sms directly via his smartphone.

Send an anonymous sms via a specialized site

If the Technical of Anonymous SMS by Mail DES NOT’If you are not able to use the service or if it Seems complicated to you, you have a second solution to Send a message anonymously from your computer. Depending on the site, you will have, for example, one free sms per day, a limit of characters or you will have to pay for the service. Here are 5 sites to send anonymous sms.

This website you to’Send in SMS in Less Than Three minutes With a signature to choose from among 500 References. You can plan the’Send Messages, Create Templates and Save Contacts. Messengo is a readable site, not expensive and you have 1 sms offered per day.


Here, the service is free in exchange for the viewing of the sms’An ad (one free sms per ad vietwed). Among the Negative Points of SMS-Anonym.Net: you don't receive any’ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT, SENDING A SMS TAKES TIME.

This young site is convenient, fast and reliable. To use, you only have to pay 1.25 euros to send an sms. The Means of Payment are diversified: Paypal, Bitcoin, CB, etc.

If you want a fast and efficient site, avoid this one. Indeed, is full of ads, you don't have to to’have no guaranto that your anonymous sms was smell. Created in the 1990's, it's not an easy task’IS NOT Intuitive gold Reliable.

This Website Allows you to’Send Anonymous SMS Anywher in the World. You can select an option that costs about 20 euros and that allows you to’You can select an option that costs about 20 euros and allows you to send unlimited anonymous sms and add attachments (photos, videos).

Sending an anonymous sms with a compute is that simple. You just need to s’ENSURE THAT ITS Identity remains Well hidden. In Addition, Avoid Spam’Use this service for unhealthy purposes because Harassment Harassment Exhibitions You to 1 Year in Prison and 15,000 euros in Damages’fine.

To find the best method, try both and then make your choice.