
How to Save Energy in your Company

How to Save Energy in Your Company ?

Saving Energy is the Challenge of the Century for Companies and Manufacturers. This changes is a must for all those who want to have a sustainable business. It is about the CSR The Social Responsibility of Companies.


It is a way for them to contribute to the preservation of the planet. How to go about it, Several solutions can be put in place.

Why make Energy Savings in Your Company ?

Currently, we are facing a global warming. This situation is mainly caused by the Emission of Greenhouse Gases. We owe this result to an overconsumption of Energy on a Daily Basis.

The CSR Policy Pushes All Professionals to Become has Responsible Company company sustainable.

This Means Saving Energy.

Energy Saving is a double impact practice. The First and Most Important Observation Concerns The Reduction of the Co2 Emission Rate. This will lower the percentage of Greenhouse Gases which is the Main Cause of Global Warming.

This new method also allows to reduce considrably the electricity exnessee of each company. The More They Pay Be careful to their electricity consumption, the more their bills will decrease.

It has become urgent to find alternatives to our consumption of fossil fuels (oil). The World Population Consumes In One Year The Fossil Energy That the Earth Took 15 million years to produce. Hence the adoption of the law n ° 2019-1147 of November 8, 2019.

It has set itself the goal of reducing fossil energy consumption by at least 40% by 2030.

The global warming that we are currently facing is causing the oceans to expand. A Study has shown that gas and oil will disappear in about 50 years. With the Progressive Rise of the Temperature, We will also the Disappearance of Some Islands and Coastal Areas of the Globe.

Five Things you can do to save Energy in your company

These 5 gestures to save energy are not only valid for professionals. The private individuals also have a share of responsibility and must take example on it.

Change The Lighting of the Offices

INTEAD OF USING TRADITION LIGHT BULBS, IT IS RECOMMED TO OPT FOR LOW CONSUMPTION LIGHT BULBS. Incandescent bulbs are the most energy consuming of all. Then, as an Economic Model, We have led bulbs and halogen lamps.

The Later Consume 4 to 5 Times Less Energy Than The Form. To Easily Manage The Use of Lighting Internally and Externally, Using a motion detector can be the solution.

TODAY, with the democratization of home automation, it is even possible to add the brightness of a room. It is a good way to manager the lighting in a company. To push the movement in further, a regulation is could in place.

It is common to all companies, business and administrations. It requires them to turn off all their lighting from 1 a.M. to 7 a.M. Gold Fine Heavy.

By using Natural Light as Much as possible, you reinforce Your Energy Saving Policyeconomy Energy. Moreover, these Habits have positive Effects on the Health of the Workers. Their Eyes Are Less Tired, Which Automatically Increases The Level of Productivity.

UNPLUG Unused Appliances

We Often Have the Habit of Leaving Certain Appliances Permanently Connected. This produces a phantom consumption that can generate several thousands of euros in 1 year. This is an observation that is made by the agency for the environment and energy management (Ademe).

To avoid that the meter turns in the vacuum and that energy is consumed wrongly, it is enough to disconnect Everything.

In general, it is necessary to count Nearly 1 euro per watt of standby. This can be translated into 7 or 8 new generation light bulbs running 24 Hours a day. We have Global Scale, this is equivalent to starting up several nuclear reactors.

Know that a nuclear reactor can consume Nearly 900 MW.

As proof, a simple phone charger that is plugged into an outlet (without the phone) can consume 0.26 W. Putting Our Appliances on Standby Saves Energy. But this always produces a consumption of electricity. Today, the Objective is to reduce this unnecessary expense as much as possible by unplugging all appliances that are not in use.

Review the Insulation of the Premises

A good thermal Insulation is one of the First Levers of Energy SavingSavings Energy. Reducing Heat Loss Reduces Air Pollution by up to 80%. Heating accounts for Nearly 30% of A Company's Expenses.

By limiting this Heat loss, we limit the use of.

The Installation of Thermal Insulation is a long-term investment. It has a very long life span and requires no maintenance. As for its benefits, they are directly visible in the electricity bill that is less consecut.

For the environment, it is a gesture that contributing to reduce the emission of greenhouse gaulies.

Do not abuse heating and air conditioning

I'Savings Energy Is the Focus of Every COMPANY WHEN IT COMES TO HEATING. However, it must be recognized that good insulation allows not to abuse the heating. Indeed, when there is less heat loss, it is not necessary to continuously turn on the appliance.

To Optimize the Heating Without Making Differences in Consumption, there are intelligent heaters. The ADVICE OF AN EXPERT IS PRO.

As for air conditioning, it is important to limit its use as much as possible. The Choice of Clothing is an effective ally to avoid abusing it. For Example, in the Summer, Employees can choose to wear light clothing and air out.

Otherwise, the use of a low consumption air conditioner is the second alternative to the problem.

Think About Motion Detectors

A 100 m2 House can consume on agerage 18,500 kwh per yey. To Manage and Optimize Energy Consuption, it is important to make good use of lighting. The motion detector is part of the solutions that allow Energy Savings. This will reduce your electricity bills.

But over all, it is a good way to reduce the rate of greenhouse gas emissions from your lighting system.

The Combination of All This Actions and Their Maintenance On The Long Term Ensure A Less Polled Planet. It is up to us to take the lead for a better World and Sustainable Development.